Last week the Whatcom County Council approved the proposed amendments from the Planning Commission to the Shoreline Master Plan (SMP) per the Shoreline Management Act (SMA), as required by the State Growth Management Act. The approved plan goes back to the State Department of Ecology (DOE) for approval. After the State DOE approves the updates, it should come back to the Whatcom County Council in January or February 2022 to be adopted and signed. If you are interested in reviewing the changes, you can follow the link to Exhibit D, WCC Title 23, proposed amendments:
You can also review the County Council Meeting's Action Summary for AB2021-654 Resolution, along with the history of reports, actions and exhibits on the Shoreline Master Plan updates at the following link.
The next Whatcom County Council meeting is currently virtual, and scheduled for January 11th, at 6pm. You can find updated information regarding the meetings by selecting the Legislative Information Center from the County Council webpage at: