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Recent Changes to Boating Regulations on Lake Samish

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

(New Whatcom County Council information regarding regulations affecting Lake Samish water recreation and shoreline protections) 

1) The following notice is provided as a public service in keeping with LSA’s mission to disseminate information about proposals which could affect the quality of the rural environment in the Lake Samish area. The LSA has no opinion on this matter, and is neither for nor against it: 

The following, Compromise Proposal (AB2019-480), was addressed at the Whatcom County Council Meeting November 19, 2019: 

(AB2019-480): ORDINANCE AMENDING WHATCOM COUNTY CODE CHAPTERS 11.16 AND 11.20 TO PROTECT LAKE SAMISH SHORELINE PROPERTIES AND LAKE SAMISH WATER RECREATION, was held in committee before the November 19, 2019 Whatcom County Council Meeting. 

The Compromise Proposal, (AB2019-480), was then added to the December 3, 2019 Whatcom County Council Meeting schedule for introduction, by Whatcom County Council Member Tyler Byrd, with a plan to bring it to the Whatcom County Council Meeting, January 14, 2020, for a Public Hearing. 

2) The following notice is provided as a public service in keeping with LSA’s mission to disseminate information about proposals which could affect the quality of the rural environment in the Lake Samish area. The LSA has no opinion on this matter, and is neither for nor against it: 

The following was introduced at the Whatcom County Council Meeting, November 19, 2019 by Whatcom County Council Member Todd Donovan: 


The Proposed Ordinance will be moved to the Council Special Committee of the Whole for the December 3, 2019 Committee Meeting, and may be added to the January 14, 2020 Whatcom County Council Meeting.


The following notice is provided as a public service in keeping with LSA’s mission to disseminate information about proposals which could affect the quality of the rural environment in the Lake Samish area. The LSA has no opinion on this matter, and is neither for nor against it:

Two proposed ordinances, impacting Lake Samish, are making their way through Whatcom County Council committee for review and may be on the Agenda for public comment in the near future. 

AB2019-480, The Compromise Proposal: moves the current no wake zone buoys east of the bridge, which are now at 2700’ (the Red Dashed Line) from the bridge, to approximately 800’ (the Yellow Dashed Line) from the bridge where it is 600’ shore/dock to shore/dock.

AB2019-480, The Compromise Proposal: also mandates that boats displacing greater amounts of water that are wakeboarding or wakesurfing, must stay 300’ from shore/dock, which relates to where no wake zone east of bridge is placed. All other boat activity would need to stay 150’ from shore/dock. 

AB2019-600, Todd Donovan’s Proposal: moves the current no wake zone buoys, which are now at 2700’ (the Red Dashed Line) east of the bridge to approximately 1550’ (the Orange Line) east of the bridge, where it’s 1000’ across the lake shore/dock to shore/dock. All other parts of the lake would be mandated to the current 300’ from shore/dock no wake zone. Distance from shore to shore are measured from dock, if there is one, at the given points. AB2019-480 notes GPS Coordinates for no wake line east of bridge. AB2019-600 does not. 

Proposal AB2019-600 was introduced to the Council, by Whatcom County Council Member Todd Donovan, at the November 19, 2019 Whatcom County Council Meeting. It will need to be moved from Committee by the Council, prior to bringing it to the Whatcom County Council for a Public Hearing. You can view the proposal by following the link below.

Please note, review Exhibit A for more detailed information on the proposed line distance from the bridge. 

Proposal AB2019-480 is held in Committee, and will be introduced to the Council at the December 3, 2019 Whatcom County Council Meeting at 7pm. The Council will then have the opportunity to vote, to bring it to the January 14, 2020 Whatcom County Council Meeting, for a Public Hearing. You can view the proposal by following the links below. Please note, there are two links for AB2019-480. As we get closer to the Public Hearing, there will only be one. Both seen to have the same information, but presented in a different way. 

You can find more information about the Whatcom County Council Meetings HERE

Here is a visual aid to review placement of the Lake Samish No Wake Zone buoys by proposal, and in comparison of the original placement:



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