Time & Location
Oct 31, 2023, 4:00 PM
Bellingham, 673 N Lake Samish Dr, Bellingham, WA 98229, USA
About the Event
Looking for some pre-trick or treat fun before you head into town? Look no further! The LSA is hosting another Trunk-or-Treat at the Lake Samish Park.
You may be asking yourself what is Trunk-or-Treat?
It’s a fun way to get our Lake Samish community together to celebrate Halloween. What you choose to do when you arrive is up to you. You can show up in your best costume, decorate the trunk of your car and the kids go from car to car to ‘trunk-or’treat’. For the Lake Samish Trunk-or-Treat all of this is optional, however the LSA encourages each participant to decorate their trunk!
The LSA will be providing hot beverages, music, candy and games with prizes. So drop by on Tuesday, say hi to your Neighbors, grab a drink, play some games and have a good time. We look forward to seeing each and every one of you out there on Tuesday - Happy Halloween!
When: October 31st, 2023
Where: Lake Samish Park
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
What you need to bring: Yourself (optional: A decorated car with candy in the trunk) What will be provided by the LSA: Hot Beverages, Candy, Prizes, Music, Games, and a Good time!
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